Weekly TBR

so, i believe i’m in a bit of a reading slump. last week i read one book a day for three days in a row, and then suddenly i couldn’t even finish my 150 page book! i’m hoping to start this week out strong and get some library books finished and returned. i currently have an absolutely shameful amount of books checked out from the library, on top of some other owned books that are taunting me from their shelf. so here we go – this is what i plan to read the week of june 20th.

first up we have red, white and royal blue. i’ve been hearing about how adorable this book is since the ARCs came out years ago! i think it’s finally time to pick it up and give it a go. from what i’ve heard, this is about the son of an american president and the son of british royalty falling in love. i’ll obviously know more when i begin reading it!

next we have the inheritance games. i’ve seen this being spread ALL over tiktok lately. one thing about me is, i can’t say no to an overhyped book. i HAVE to know the tea! from what i understand, this is about a girl named Avery who is left a fortune of money from a dead billionaire. sounds great right? i could never be that lucky but i’m guessing avery isn’t that lucky either because to get the fortune she must move into a mansion that is already occupied by the family of the former billionaire. the family who got no money from him, and yet a stranger, Avery, gets everything. it sounds a little spooky and very mysterious.

now i need a good cry and again i was scrolling tiktok, as one does, when i came across recommendations of the saddest books ever. a heart in a body in the world was at the top of the list so naturally, i order it from my library. the librarians HAVE to be sick of me! from what i gather, this book is about our main character Annabelle. Annabelle is running across country and we don’t know why, all we know is that she suffered from some sort of traumatic incident and that’s probably what sent her running in the first place. i hope this is deep and beautiful and something that will stick with me throughout my life. i love a sad book, anything that can get me to FEEL is an automatic five star from me. if a book makes me cry, even better!

last up i’ve got tokyo ever after by emiko jean. can you guess where i heard about this book? of course it was tiktok but i have NO idea what was said about this book that initially drew me in. from what i can gather, this book follows our main character Izumi who is japanese american living in a town in california. she’s had a rough time because her town is mostly white and she feels shes an outside. however, Izumi finds out her father is the crown prince of japan and she is a PRINCESS! doesn’t this song like big Princess Diaries vibes or what?!

so, we’ve got a romance to read, a mystery, throw in a sad book and top it off with a light princess book. i’m hoping this is a great book cocktail to keep me satisfied this week! have you read any of these? please let me know your thoughts and what you rated them! also i am always up for a buddy read if you want to! my contact info will be listed below. it’s almost my birthday so i’m gearing up to have an awesome 29th birthday. come on june 30th! i already know what my fiancĂ© got me. *wink wink* i basically just threw some books in his amazon cart and gave him puppy dog pouting eyes and he ordered them for me. i’m honestly the most spoiled princess in town. he never tells me no to a good book or a midnight back rub, or anything really. yes i know im lucky, i couldn’t ever deserve him. anyways, he totally got me three jodi picoult books (a FAV author!) and a book from an author i’ve never read from before. it’s hyped on tiktok (i know you’re surprised!) but i don’t know ANYTHING about it. i just requested it for my birthday because the cover had big summer vibes. it’s called People We Meet on Vacation! i’m so excited for my birthday. as i get nearer to 30 years old, i really am starting to believe that my 30’s are going to be the best years of my life. but let’s not get ahead of ourselves, i’m only turning 29 after all.

with all that being said, i love you all and i will talk to you soon! (i’m going to be working on reviews and tags for you all week, shh!) again, let’s chat about books or buddy read! i need some book buddies!

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